FUCK YES I AM EXCITED TO CLIMB INSIDE KARLA MALONE AGAIN. for those who don't know us that well, eliquate is actually an 8 person operation, at this point i am sure you are familiar with all the boys in the band, Cosmo, Justin, Dan, Jamie, and yours truly. And if you have been to any of our shows recently, you no doubt have met our manager Thomas, most likely swinging at an empty room hollering "you wanna go 16's wit cha boy!" However there are two other hard, arguably hardest, working members of the band: Erin Heartman, our stellar publicist, who keeps us relevant. No joke, I just found out we have a myspace, who the fuck myspaces anymore. (my deepest condolences to those on myspace, Elliot doesn't always think before he speaks, thats why they hired me - Erin) Last but not least KArla Malone. She is a 2 ton, beast of a woman, and please if you are around her don't call her a van, she is not a van, she is a bus. Initially we were going to call her Karl Malone, after the legendary Louisiana Tech power forward, but something about 6 guys riding Karl Malone from San Diego to Seattle Washington didn't seem too appealing. She is dirty, cramped, and smells like Schnetz feet, but she is home. And Alas, we are going to be piling into the dirty bitch for yet another episode of Eliquate on the Road, what will happen? will she make it? will we have to stay in San Fernando Vally doing porn for nickels? will we finally get the chance to meet and beat Justing Bieber? will the cops of westlake finally catch Cosmo? (not fucking likely) Stay tuned to find out, o, and check out our show dates if you haven't already eliquate.com/shows/ and I am excited to see you all in 2011 and beyond... o... and we are working on a new album...
Elliot (the sweaty one)
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