Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Caiden our Hero...

Caiden is 3 and doesn’t know he’s not an astronaut, or a super hero, or a rambunctious primate hell bent on letting everyone know he does in fact exist. As adults we watch him with a patronizing awww that’s so cute, unaware of our own jealousies and insecurities that place us higher on the social pedestal then he because we know better than to play with our food, or for that matter believe that good guys always win. But who are we to say he is not a super hero. He is a hero to me. He reminds me that we only imply our own civility, we do not embody it. That these codes of conduct are not human nature. Human nature is to believe we are something we are not. It is based on a heigherarchy that is entirely synthetic. Caiden knows that no matter what, Batman is out there fighting crime while we adults are at home and know exactly what they are doing. That is the kind of peace of mind that they try to swindle from for way less than its value and are all too soon to pawn off for a chance to fit in. But Caiden solidifies that we are no more than what our imaginations allow us to believe so we limit our imaginations as we limit our potential because astronauts can not inhabit space with their feet on the ground. And to be honest, solid ground can’t hold a candle to the understanding that everything is how it seems and that mom and dad do really love each other. It is up to us to assure that the joker is never allowed to heist that innocence, and that no matter what; the good guys will always win.

1 comment:

  1. Thought provoking. I like this. Kinda makes me want to resolve to be a kid forever.
