Friday, December 17, 2010

Just Kids

in a galaxy not so far far away

a group of 6 kids i guess they could be called a gang

age range from about 5 going up to 8

4 of them were neighbors the other 2 shared the same name

on saturdays and sundays they would gather to play

their favorite game young explorers investigating the cave

where their parents couldn't find them didn't have to behave

the imaginations flying they were just acting their age

all the fighting at home had left need for escape

but they were not alone they had each others embrace

so they vowed to stick together no matter what folly came

weather sun was their endeavor or escape from falling rain

It didn't make a difference as long as they all showed up

they had no plan or mission just ambition for that whole stuck

in their own existence time wasn't moving slow enough

till that fateful day when the conflicts of grown ups

had showed us what happens when civilization blows up

the blast murked everything the surface ever know of

but lucky for the kids they were playing underneath it

thanks to their curiosity they discovered how deep it

goes that whole left six people breathing

on the whole planet no damage shows us the weakness

of bone tissue so misused gone there's no weeping

the innocent live on the rest of the world deceased its

their problem now.

After hours of playing with no sign of regrets

they climbed out of the cave the cave to find their parents silhouettes

painted on the walls this was not expected

but the fact is after all the adults had neglected

they were better off without them they decided and accepted

the fact they we're alone before reality had set in

the oldest of the group his name was tommy he connected

that without his dad and mommy it was he that they respected

but that meant it was up to him to protect them

this responsibility was now on him and it reflected

the way the world was run but this was like a second

chance to advance our species like a next step

lets let anarchy reign in the free world

test it out on this calamity we hurled

into the laps of the youngest generation

who had to adapt to this world they were placed in

tommy did his best to maintain his patience

but children can be fussy when they're hungry and their wasting

away as their leader's only 8 already pacing

back and forth as the last resource was taken

made him wish he was back playing games in

his parents back yard but that world was forsaken

one by one so sick and emaciated

they turned on each other no brotherhood or relation

could keep them from feeding on each other or escaping

the fait that the rest of humanity embraced in

less than a week the last 6 that had lived

killed each other off when instinct kicked in

some would think it fate or simply just how it is

but they cant be blamed cuz hell their just kids.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Caiden our Hero...

Caiden is 3 and doesn’t know he’s not an astronaut, or a super hero, or a rambunctious primate hell bent on letting everyone know he does in fact exist. As adults we watch him with a patronizing awww that’s so cute, unaware of our own jealousies and insecurities that place us higher on the social pedestal then he because we know better than to play with our food, or for that matter believe that good guys always win. But who are we to say he is not a super hero. He is a hero to me. He reminds me that we only imply our own civility, we do not embody it. That these codes of conduct are not human nature. Human nature is to believe we are something we are not. It is based on a heigherarchy that is entirely synthetic. Caiden knows that no matter what, Batman is out there fighting crime while we adults are at home and know exactly what they are doing. That is the kind of peace of mind that they try to swindle from for way less than its value and are all too soon to pawn off for a chance to fit in. But Caiden solidifies that we are no more than what our imaginations allow us to believe so we limit our imaginations as we limit our potential because astronauts can not inhabit space with their feet on the ground. And to be honest, solid ground can’t hold a candle to the understanding that everything is how it seems and that mom and dad do really love each other. It is up to us to assure that the joker is never allowed to heist that innocence, and that no matter what; the good guys will always win.

What do I know... and no it doesn't rhyme.

I am fully aware of the futility of my own self-doubt. It’s similar to chronic masturbation that lends itself to a desire for time apart. He refuses to cuddle. But as he is the worst he is also the best lover, and I’m not saying I’m in love with myself rather that I am good at fucking me. Nobody can do it like I can. I get real deep like, all up in the parts others don’t even know exist. If there are known known’s and known unknowns, than making love to myself is an unknown un-known that runs in same vane as the mythology and ambition of Captain James T Kurk. To infinity and beyond but that space is nowhere near as big as the gap between what it is and what it should be. But should is an invented term, and easy way out. I say fuck should, could, would, might have or wanted to, lets adhere to did, will, is, and I don’t fucking know but I’m excited to find out. They say I don’t know is cop out but I say excepting these terms is the wisest and bravest course of action one can embark upon but only if these terms are not simply understood but believed in. Believed with the same conviction that makes Velcro obsolete when it is used as a vice between a beating heart and seven pounds of makeshift explosives. See some never learn that foreplay is necessary before you try and make love to yourself, and that is why a caring embrace feels like rape, kind intentions become violent justifications, and self hate is reflected in the eyes of a father that their not sure is even watching them ride with no hands. I don’t know if he’s proud or not. Hell I don’t even know if he is watching, but the fact of the matter is I can ride with no hands and god damn if that doesn’t feel because honestly that’s enough for me. They say that when a man blows his wad there fallows an instinct to flee, but I say if the meaning of life is to find out the meaning of life than wouldn’t finding the meaning of life make life meaningless, and more important, why do we need to know. I don’t need to know if the sex was good for him to, I don’t need to know if my believing that my own masturbation will create life, but I do know pleasuring myself doesn’t have to mean death. And that these seconds we collected are not a stick in bindle that gets haphazardly thrown over your left shoulder to be lost in paradigms of obscurity that we have convinced ourselves hold no worth, but for 80 years if im lucky they are the known knowns and the unkown unkowns that make this life what it is and I am done watching people fucking themselves out of enjoying it. So take some time with it, whisper in its ear, give it a soft kiss on the neck before you except the fact that you can not hold it or ever really know it because in the end that lover truly does know you better that you know yourself, and that is supposed to scare the crap out of you. That’s the point. It is similar to the way we cover our eyes during movies we paid to see. But don’t worry your not alone in this, but then again what do I know.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The sound man at 19 broadway... A.A, is a viable option

I understand that we all like to sit back, maybe have a cold beer or a glass of wine after a hard days work, but when Souls of Mischief are yelling at you to do your job, and the fans have all payed $20 to listen to music, not noise, and your outside hammered drunk and looking for Dan to go smoke a bowl... It might be time to consider a new profession. My heart goes out to Souls, they did the best they could with what they had, but fuck man... If I had known that all it takes to be a sound guy was about 15 beers and complete oblivion as to what sound good, and what sounds like forks in a disposal, I might have chosen a different profession. Personally, I had a ball playing last night, I just feel bad for everyone who paid to watch someone suck at their job. Good thing the musicians were professional about it. My advice, If you can't do your job drunk, ether get a new job... Or stop drinking. (this coming from the band that polishes off a bottle of peppermint schnapps before every gig) Other than that the show was awesome. Thanks to all who participated, and be sure to keep an eye on our concert calender to see when we will be gracing your town next.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Eliquate @ the catalyst

TONIGHT'S GONNA BE ILL. NOt Def like what? but DEF LIKE WHAT!!! Catalyst atrium in Santa Cruz will be converted into a carnival of pure entertainment like you have never seen before. Eliquate, Haji P, Soultradelix, DJ Hersh, Beat Teck, the WHOLE CREW! only $6. Doors open at 9 we go on at 11. See yall there

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Eliquate West Coast Tour

Well, we have booked the first 5 dates of our west coast tour. first stop University of Washington. After weeks of work (aka thomas and erin busting their asses as the boys in the band play botchy ball and work on finishing Ark Rhythm) the 2010 Eliquate West Coast tour shall commence. Kick off date is September 30th, check out our website  for more details